January 5, 2025
Epiphany Sunday Worship + Holy Communion
January 5, 2025 Livestream Worship Online Bulletin
Bringing in the Light of Christ
Chiming of the Trinity
We Three Kings arr. Lynn Shaw Bailey
Call to Worship
Children of God, we enter the new year as we ended the last: gathered together for worship!
We gather to seek, find, and follow the Light.
The prophet Isaiah calls to us from deep in the past: “Arise, shine; for your light has come.”
We gather to seek, find, and follow the Light.
The magi followed a star to find a small child who is the Light of the world.
We gather to seek, find, and follow the Light.
So, let us receive the call of Isaiah and follow the example of the magi as we begin this new year, turning our faces to God whose glory shows up among us as a vulnerable child, a poor carpenter, and a foot-washing servant who is the salvation of the world.
We gather to seek, find, and follow the Light today and every day. Amen.
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed UMH#203
Please sing stanzas 1, 3, 4
Joys & Concerns s with the Lord’s Prayer
UMH# 895
Our Parent in Heaven, you sent us the most powerful name to behold, Emmanuel, God with us! We see glimpses of your Kindom and wait for its light to break through our earthly darkness. Daily, we give thanks for the food that nourishes our bodies and for your Son, Jesus, who sustains our spirits.
In our time of waiting, give us forgiving hearts toward ourselves and others. In our time of wilderness and exile, be present with us and free us from all that oppresses. In our time of fear, remind us of the angel’s message: ‘Do not be afraid.’
We offer our prayer in the name of the Son who reigns with You, the Holy Spirit, and in your people forever. Amen. So Be It.
(Written by Rev. Dotson)
A Reading from the Old Testament
Isaiah 60:1-6
Sweet Little Jesus Boy Robert MacGimsey
Carol Kinsey
Psalm of Response
Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 UMH#795
Please sing response 1
A Reading from the Gospels
Matthew 2:1-12
Draw the Circle Wide | Rev. Kelly Dotson
Draw the Circle Wide Mark A. Miller
Carol Kinsey
The Celebration of Holy Communion
The Great Thanksgiving and Communion
Musical Setting D UMH pp. 23-24
Breaking the Bread
Giving the Bread and Cup
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
Blessing of the Tithes and Offerings
Gloria Patri UMH#70
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light UMH#206
Blessing and Sharing of Christ’s Light
What Child Is This arr. Donald Smith
Ann Clark
Today’s Worship Participants
Our Pastor: Rev. Kelly Dotson
Music Director: Dr. Joel Reed
Worship Arts Associate : Patty Higgins