Photo Album: Recycling Facility Field Trip + More
The Mars Hill United Methodist Women - also known as United Women in Faith - sponsored a May 8 Field Trip to Curbise Management, also know as Curbie, a materials recovery facility or MRF (recycling facility/plant) for residential and commercial recycling, located in Woodfin.
Did You Know?
The Town of Mars Hill sends its curbside recycling to Curbie as do many other communities across Western North Carolina. Curbie is one of several materials recovery facilities in our region.
Your recycling protects natural resources, benefits future generations, helps reduce litter and keeps our community clean, and becomes new things. Your recycling adds up.
You can take a few minutes to prepare for our field trip by taking this recycling quiz recently featured in the Washington Post.
Want to know what’s accepted for recycling in your community? Chat your questions now.
The Recycling Process
Watch this short video to learn more about the recycling process and how recycling works in more than 9,000 community programs across the U.S.